Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Recipes from Around the World Reminder

Don't forget to turn in those recipes! Please send in a family recipe, preferably from your family's heritage so that we may put together a recipe book. We are hoping to have all the recipes by Friday.

Our 4th graders are studying about immigration and ancestors this month. To introduce this unit and celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the 4th graders and their families are invited to participate in our 2nd Annual Around the World Luncheon on Tuesday, November 20th from 12:00-1:00pm. You can bring in your dishes anytime Tuesday morning. Students and families will eat together in the classrooms.

We will need volunteers for this event. Please let us know if you are available to set up (around noon on 11/20) or clean up afterwards. We will also need donation of paper products and drinks. Thank you!

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