Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Class Newsletter- April 8, 2013

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
Unit 4, Week 5- April 8, 2013

This week we are reading “Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamander” by Donald Sobol.  We will be working on finishing up our U.S. Regions project and we will be having a 4th grade Spelling Bee with the other two classes. I have attached two lists of words that may be used during our bee. There will not be a regular spelling test this week, but you should practice the words on the lists.  Let’s have a great week!

The 2nd Annual EFES 4th Grade Spelling Bee will be held this week (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). Rules are below.
During the bee, the contestants should say the word they're given, spell the word, and then say the word again.  Contestants can ask for the word to be used in a sentence, request an alternative pronunciation, or ask for a definition. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The final between all three classes will take place on Friday, April 12.

Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, April 10: Our class will be going to the Book Fair @ 12:20pm
Wednesday, April 10: Art Show and Book Fair
April 15- 19: No School (April Vacation)

I have created a website for our classroom. You can access the site by going to “Teacher Sites” on the school’s website, or you can type www.mrhauptmanngrade4.blogspot.com in your browser’s window. I will be updating the site each week.

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
Unit 4, Week 5- April 8, 2013

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________­­­­­__________________­­­­­

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