Monday, September 14, 2015

Class Newsletter- Week of September 14, 2015

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
September 14, 2015

Welcome to the new school year! I will be sending home a newsletter most Mondays with information about what we are doing in class and important upcoming events. Please sign the bottom of this newsletter and return it Tuesday morning. Keep the upper portion of the newsletter at home so that you can refer to it during the week.

Here is some important information to know about our classroom…

Our Classroom Specialist and Lunch Schedule


*Remember library books on Tuesdays and sneakers on Thursdays and Fridays for PE!

We  will have a snack time sometime in the mornings, usually after our morning special.  Additionally, students may keep a water bottle at their desk.  Please send a small, healthy snack each day.  Lunch is each day at 12:35pm and recess is at 12:55pm.

Classroom Supplies
The students were given all the school supplies that they will need for this year, except for a 1-inch 3 ring binder.  If you have not yet had a chance to pick one up, please try to get one as soon as possible (these binders will be left at school and used for our writing portfolios). Please do not have your child bring any additional personal school supplies, as there is not much room left in the desks and extra supplies are hard to manage.  However, if you are interested in donating supplies for the classroom, we can always use 3 ring binder sheet protectors, tissues, Lysol wipes, dry erase markers, hand sanitizer, markers, colored pencils and prize box items. Thank you to everyone who has already donated supplies!!

Homework Folders/Agenda
Each student will have a sturdy, two pocket maroon homework folder.  Students should keep all notices and homework assignments in this folder.  The agenda is used to write daily homework assignments.  Please check and empty the homework folder daily with your child to ensure that you have seen all important notices and papers that go home.  Please sign/initial the agenda after you have checked in with your child regarding their homework.  Getting your signature is part of your child’s nightly assignment.  You may also jot notes for us in the agenda.  This is a great support system and communication tool between school and home. 

Important Upcoming Dates:
Saturday, September 19: EFES Carnival 11am-2pm
Wednesday, September 30: 4th Gr. “Meet Your Teacher” Night
Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 9/14/15

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

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