Monday, June 15, 2015

Class Newsletter- Week of June 15, 2015

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
June 15, 2015

This is our final Class Newsletter of the year. I want to thank all of you for making this such a great year! I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you, and for having the opportunity to teach your children. I have the greatest job in the world! We have many fun events planned for these final two weeks, and it is important that everyone stay focused and remember that the work we are doing is important. Let’s have a great week!

This week in math we are learning how to find the area and perimeter of various figures, as well as creating scale drawings. In science we are doing a unit on simple machines.

The bike trip on the Cape Cod Canal is this Friday! You may drop off your bike Thursday (before 4:00pm) or Friday morning, starting at 8:30am. Students and parent volunteers should pack a lunch (including drinks and snacks). If you are volunteering that day you can meet us at the recreation area parking lot at 9:45am. The parking area is located in Buzzard’s Bay near the train bridge. We ask that students ride the bus to and from the canal, and the bus will be leaving at 9:15am! It is going to be an awesome day!

Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, June 17- 4th Grade Graduation @ 6:00pm
Friday, June 19- Bike Trip on the Cape Cod Canal
Wednesday, June 24- Last day of school

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
June 15, 2015

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________­­­­­__________________­­­­­

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