Monday, January 5, 2015

Class Newsletter- Week of January 5, 2015

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
January 5, 2015

            Welcome back, and Happy New Year! I hope you had a relaxing holiday, and excited for the new year ahead. I love this time of year at school, we are well into our routines and I find the most academic growth happens in the next four months. In Science we are beginning a unit on simple machines and are starting to think out our Science Fair projects (don’t worry, we will be completing these in class!) This week’s spelling words are fourth grade sight words, which are words that fourth graders are expected to be able to read and spell with 100% accuracy, though they are typically misspelled by many. Please practice these words at home as well. Let’s have a great week!
Vocabulary Word
current of air
engraved; a design or drawing on a metal plate, or glass
interested greatly; attracted very strongly; charmed
moisture frozen on or in a surface; feathery crystals of ice formed when water vapor in the air condenses at a temperature below freezing
formerly, a room for receiving or entertaining guests; sitting room
great fear
easily frightened; shy

Spelling Words: dinner, notice, become, special, quiet, garden, adult, already, middle, daughter, different, student, since, history, country, once, better, eighty, course, quit

Important Dates:
Tuesday, January 13- Early release day for K-6
Monday, January 19- No School (MLK Day)

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:
Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
January 5, 2015

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

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