Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Class Newsletter- Week of November 3, 2014

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
November 3, 2014

I hope everyone survived the wind and rain this weekend! This week we are reading “A Race Against Time”, which is a narrative nonfiction story about rescue dogs. We are continuing to learn how to divide larger numbers, and I will be introducing division with remainders. Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these plural words at home as well.  The words in italics are our challenge spelling words. We will be going on a fieldtrip to Hyannis on Thursday, November 13 to see the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra perform. Please see details below. Let’s have a great week!

Spelling Words: monkeys, friends, supplies, holidays, companies, hobbies, counties, teammates, memories, batteries, sandwiches, ambulances, trophies, secretaries, inventories

Important Dates and Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, November 11: NO SCHOOL
Thursday, November 13: All 4th grade classes will be attending the upcoming Young People’s Concert at the Barnstable Performing Arts Center located at Barnstable High School. We will return in time for our regular lunch and recess. Please dress accordingly.

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 11/3/14

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

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