Thursday, April 30, 2015


Calendar of Events:

·        All month- RIDE. SCAN. EARN. When you ride your bike or walk to school use your Hub card to track your progress. The Hub is a digital card reader that collects data on students and staff that walk or bike to school. To get a Hub card simply ride or walk to school and Mr. Hauptmann will give you a card. Students and staff who use their HUB card will be eligible for prizes throughout the month!
·        May 8th – 4th Grade Bike Safety Training from 1:30-3:30pm. A representative from MassBikes and Safe Routes to School will train all 4th grade students about bicycle safety. We will also be having our Bike Parade after school (see back of this flyer for more information). Get your helmet checked and pick up some safety gear. Helmet give-aways and other prizes!
·        May 15th – Bike to School Day! Ride your bike to school with your family and be eligible for fun prizes! We are encouraging family members to ride with all students. This year we will NOT be meeting at the beach as in the past so plan accordingly if you wish to participate. Consider organizing a neighborhood bike train or meeting place. Pastries, fruit, and drinks will be available at the school upon arrival. Important: Please let your classroom teacher know what your dismissal plan is (parent-pickup, bike home, bus, etc.). All children must wear a helmet. Bikes may be parked in the courtyard.

If you are free any Fridays for these events, please contact

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