Monday, November 17, 2014

Class Newsletter- Week of November 17, 2014

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
November 17, 2014
This week we will begin reading the classic novel “Tuck Everlasting” by Natalie Babbitt. This literary unit will focus on theme and character traits. Much of our writing over the next several weeks will come from this book as well. In math we will be taking the Chapter 3 assessment on either Tuesday or Wednesday. I am very impressed with how far all of the students have come with learning long division. Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these words at home as well.  The words in italics are our challenge spelling words.  Let’s have a great week!

We would like to invite you to our “Most Thankful Tea” this Thursday, November 20 from 11:30am-12:10pm. Our amazing fourth grade writers would like to share their most recent piece of writing with you. During the tea, we would like to serve some light refreshments. Please consider bringing a plate of fruit, baked goods, or a beverage such as cider or juice. I will supply the cups and paper goods. 

Spelling Words: morning, forest, garbage, alarm, corner, argue, partner, apartment, forward, garden, departure, margarine, informative, snorkel, carnation

Note: We will be going to the Book Fair on Tuesday at 11:40am.

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:
Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 11/17/14

Reminder: Our “Most Thankful Tea” is this Thursday at 11:30am.
Hope to see you there!

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

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