Monday, February 10, 2014

Class Newsletter- Week of February 10, 2014

Mr. Hauptmann's Class Newsletter
Unit 3, Week 5- February 10, 2014

I hope you were able to watch some of the Olympics this weekend! We have a very busy week coming up; in preparation for the MCAS in March we will be writing a mock long composition (5 paragraph narrative story based on a prompt) tomorrow, and we will also be working on our Science Fair projects throughout the week. The Chapter 5 math test will be given on Thursday and we are reading “The Great Kapok Tree” by Lynne Cherry, a fantasy story about how all living things are connected. On Thursday we will be participating in the Fitness Challenge, and on Friday we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with our first grade book buddies. On this newsletter you will find our vocabulary words, no spelling this week, as I want to focus on our science projects.  Let’s have a great week!

Vocabulary Word
the uppermost layer of branches in forest trees
to hang and swing loosely
marked with spots; spotted
having or giving off a pleasing odor; sweet-smelling
a fine, yellowish powder released from the anthers of flowers. Grains of pollen carried by insects, wind, etc., to the pistils of flowers to fertilize the flowers
moved with a sliding motion
wonderful; marvelous; remarkable
Upcoming important dates in 4th Grade:
Tuesday, February 11- Mock MCAS Long Composition
Thursday, February 13- Fitness Challenge
Friday, February 14 @ 2:30- Valentine’s Day Cookie Decorating Contest (please feel free to join us!). Each student will decorate two cookies with their first grade book buddies, using symmetry. We could still use some more sugar cookies, frosting, and decorations. Thanks!
February 17-21 - February Vacation
Thursday, February 27 @ 11:30am- 4th Grade Science Fair

Please sign, cut on the dotted line, and return on Tuesday:
Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
Unit 3, Week 5- February 10, 2014
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

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