Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Most Thankful Tea

You are invited to a writing celebration!

Most Thankful Tea

Our amazing fourth grade writers would like to share their most recent piece of writing with you.

Thursday, November 21 at 11:30am

During the tea, we would like to serve light refreshments.  Please consider bringing a plate of fruit, baked good, or beverage such as cider or juice.  Please make sure that the treats are nut free.

The students attend lunch at 12:10pm.  The lunch being served that day is the Roast Turkey Dinner.  You are welcome to join your child in the cafeteria for lunch after the writing celebration.  If you think that you may be joining us for the writing celebration and purchasing school lunch, please send a note in the by Friday, November 15 and we will add you to our lunch count.  It is fine if your plans change, the lunch room just needs an estimate.  We hope you can join us!

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