Thursday, October 31, 2013

Who's Boo?

Brandon, Lauren, Kylie, Robert, and Ashley went trick or treating together. They each wore a different costume (a ghost, a pirate, Spiderman, a witch, and a ghost). At the end of the day, each of them counted the number of pieces of candy they collected. They each collected a different amount of candy (63, 77, 83, 54, and 84).
Figure out the costume worn by each person and the amount of candy each person collected. 
1. Brandon was not a pirate.
2. The boys (Robert and Brandon) costumes included a pirate and Spiderman.
3. Lauren and Kylie collected a total of 161 pieces of candy.
4. The ghost collected 77 pieces of candy.
5. The pirate collected 83 pieces of candy.
6. Ashley and Lauren collected a total of 140 pieces of candy.
7. The witch collected the most pieces of candy.

1) Who wore which costume and how much candy did each collect?

1 comment:

  1. Brandon is spiderman and collected 54 pieces of candy Robert is a pirate and collected 83 pieces of candy. Lauren is a ghost and collected 77 pieces. Kylie is a witch and collected 84 pieces. Ashley is the other ghost and she collected 63 pieces of candy.

    Lola Russell
