Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Meet Your Teacher" Night 2017

Welcome to “Meet Your Teacher” Night 2017 !

September 27, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Fourth Grade!  The start of a new school year is always such an exciting time of year! All of the students are off to a great start, and I am very excited for this year! Here is some important information to know about our classroom…

Our Classroom Specialist and Lunch Schedule







Remember sneakers on Tuesday for PE and Library books on Wednesdays!

Your child will have time for a snack time sometime around 10:30.  Please note that we are a nut-free classroom, so please do not send in any snacks containing nuts (lunches do not need to be nut-free). Please send in a small, healthy snack each day. Additionally, students may keep water on their desk.  Lunch is each day at 12:35, and Recess is from 12:55-1:25.

Classroom Supplies

The students were given all the school supplies that they will need for this year. Please do not have your child bring in any additional personal school supplies, as all supplies will be shared among the class.  However, if you are interested in donating supplies for the classroom, we can always use 3-ring binder sheet protectors, tissues, Lysol wipes, dry erase markers, hand sanitizer, colored pencils, markers, and prize box items. Thanks!

Homework Folders/Agenda

Each student will have a sturdy, two pocket maroon homework folder.  Students should keep all notices and homework assignments in this folder.  The agenda is used to write daily homework assignments.  Please sign/initial the agenda after you have checked in with your child regarding the homework.  Getting your signature is part of your child’s nightly assignment.  You may also jot notes for us in the agenda.  This is a great support system and communication tool between school and home.

Homework Policy

Homework should be done independently, with minimal support from others at home.  If at any time homework becomes a problem, please let us know immediately.  Homework should take about 30 minutes each night plus at least 20 minutes of reading time.  Homework will vary from week to week and night to night but a typical night may be:

·        Read for a minimum of 20 minutes. This is not written down each night but is expected, even on weekend and vacation nights!
·        Math: Complete a math assignment and/or math review worksheet.
·        Writer’s Notebook: responding to a prompt (about 1 page length, building to 1-2 pages by the end of the year), OR math extended response question that requires a written response.


Mr. Hauptmann

Ms. O’Brien

Class Website- We have a class website that I will be updating weekly. On the website you will find current information about what it going on in our classroom and links to various websites that we use on a daily basis. The address for our website is http://mrhauptmanngrade4.blogspot.com .