Tuesday, August 27, 2013

End of Summer Letter

Dear Students and Parents:

I just wanted to send a quick note to say “hello” and let you know that I am so excited about our new school year!  I am looking forward to the many lessons we will learn together in the months ahead. I hope you have all been having a truly awesome summer!  I have enjoyed spending time with my family the past two months.  We recently returned from a camping trip at Nickerson State Park, and we also spent some time in Maine and New Hampshire.

Fourth grade promises to be a great year.  We will continue to build upon the skills you have learned in 3rd grade and we will learn many new and interesting subjects.  Math and language arts will challenge us to think critically and share our ideas.  There are a whole host of 4th grade activities and projects to look forward to as well!

I would also like to offer some SUGGESTIONS as you think about buying supplies for the year. I supply most of the items you will need, including notebooks, folders, pencil/supply boxes, etc. You do not need most of the things they try to sell you at Staples, so keep it simple and save your money to buy something useful, like ice cream.  

-          Please leave most of your pencils at home!  3 or 4 should do it to start out with… and we always have extras!
-          You do not need a large three-ring binder; they often do not fit in our desks, and you will receive an Agenda Book and Homework Folder on the first day of school. You will need one simple binder to leave at school for your portfolio, 1-1/2” is perfect. Please label it with your name.
-          Speaking of portfolios, please include 20 or so plastic sheet protectors in your portfolio binder. If you would like to donate more sheet protectors to the class that would be great!
-          Colored Pencils OR Markers… you don’t need both!  Personally, I prefer colored pencils!
-          PENS! Everyone loves pens I know, but we do most of our work in pencil.
-          You do NOT need the following; scissors, calculators, glue, tape, rulers, etc.
-          On the first day of school I will be sending home a more complete list of items we use in the classroom, so don’t worry if you don’t have everything the first day. We can always use class donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, glue sticks, colored pencils, etc. Thanks!  

I am sure that you have lots of questions and I invite all of you to please ask.  Therefore please do not hesitate to email me with any concerns, questions, or just to say “hi!”.  My school e-mail address is jhauptmann@falmouth.k12.ma.us .  I look forward to seeing everyone next week!  It’s going to be a great year!


Mr. Hauptmann