Monday, September 24, 2012

Class Newsletter- September 24, 2012

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
September 24, 2012
Unit 1, Week #1 (continued)

This week we are reading “Because of Winn-Dixie” by Kate DiCamillo.  We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story.  It would be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with your child.  Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these words at home as well. Please sign the bottom of the newsletter and return the lower portion with your child on Tuesday. Let’s have a great week!

Vocabulary Word

Spelling Words : admire, magnet, engine, fabric, flatten, mammal, cannon, magnify, festival, injury

Mr. Hauptmann’s email:
Our class website:

Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, September 25: Early Release @ 12:30pm

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 9/24/12 Unit 1, Week #1 (continued)

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Class Newsletter- September 17, 2012

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
September 17, 2012
Unit 1, Week #1

This week we are reading “Because of Winn-Dixie” by Kate DiCamillo.  We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story.  It would be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with your child.  Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these words at home as well. Please sign the bottom of the newsletter and return the lower portion with your child on Tuesday. I look forward to meeting everyone Wednesday night! Let’s have a great week!

Vocabulary Word

Spelling Words (the first 7 words follow the VCCV pattern): happen, method, accident, soccer, sudden, parallel, different, about, beautiful, trapezoid

Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, September 18: Picture Day
Wednesday, September 19 @ 7:45pm: “Meet Your Teacher” Night

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 9/17/12 Unit 1, Week #1

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekly Trivia #1

What is the difference between a hurricane and a cyclone? Email me at before Thursday, September 13 to be eligible for a great prize.

Class Newsletter- September 10, 2012

Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter
September 10, 2012

Welcome to Fourth Grade!  The start of a new school year is always such an exciting time of year!  Hopefully you received the summer letter that was sent home in August.  Our class theme is “Stand”, which will be reinforced throughout the year.  My hope and dream is for each student to recognize how strong they can be when believing in themselves.  In class, we will do a lot of teambuilding.  The students will learn to always lend a hand to a friend and in return accept help from others.  With this goal in mind, the first few weeks of school will be focused on creating a caring community in our classroom.
Here is some important information to know about our classroom…
Our Classroom Specialist and Lunch Schedule

*Remember library books on Tuesdays and sneakers on Mondays, Thursdays,
 & Fridays!

Your child will have a snack time sometime in the morning most days.  Additionally, s/he may keep a water bottle on his/her desk.  Please send a small, healthy snack each day.  Lunch is each day at 12:45.
Homework Folders/Agenda Books
Each student will have a sturdy, two pocket Homework Folder.  Students should keep all notices and homework assignments in the folder.  The Agenda Book is used to write daily homework assignments.  Please check the homework folder daily with your child to ensure that you have seen all important notices and papers that go home.  Please sign/initial the agenda after you have checked in with your child regarding the homework.  Getting your signature is part of your child’s nightly assignment.  This is a great support system and communication tool between school and home.  Our classroom blog has great links that may help with topics that we are learning about.  The address is

 Homework Policy
Homework should take about 40 minutes each night (Monday-Thursday) plus at least 20 minutes of reading time (make sure you fill out your Reading Log).  Along with your nightly Math Study Link, students should complete the following in their Writing Journals (return journal each day):
Monday: Write a personal narrative (1-3 paragraphs) about something you did over the weekend.
Tuesday: Complete a creative narrative of your choice (fiction or non-fiction, 1-3 paragraphs).
Wednesday: Complete a Reader’s Response journal entry about something we have read in class this week.
Thursday: Write each of your Spelling Words in your journal, and pick three words and write three strong sentences.

To help your child…
Talk about what the homework routine will be for your family.  This will be different for every family.  Some students do well when they have a snack and small break after getting home and then start their homework right away.  You can help by setting up a homework area.  It is usually good to have a quiet area that is in close proximity to an adult.  Make sure the area is well equipped with good lighting, extra pencils, crayons, etc. so that there are no distractions during homework time.
Talk with your child about the book that s/he is reading.  Better yet, get a copy of the book and read it along with your child!  Have a discussion about the book and make predictions about what you think will happen.  You may also be able to help your child make connections from your own family life to the text.
Important Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, September 18- Picture Day
Wednesday, September 19- “Meet Your Teacher Night”

Mr. Hauptmann
(please cut on dotted line and return on Tuesday)
Mr. Hauptmann’s Class Newsletter 9-10-12
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________